00. Moab River Rafting Adventure



Welcome back readers!  If you are just finding us for the first time, howdy and pull up a chair. If you have mosied over from our most recent adventure, welcome back!  This particular series will focus on our 2019 vacation in Moab and all the in-between adventures Papa Bear and I had.

So, leading up to last year's vacation, we had been funding baby bear's college education and sending her on amazing adventures to Greece and England. We were beginning to feel a bit neglected ourselves and needed to get out of the more corporate routine that we had settled into. We needed adventure! After some dart throwing, we landed on a multi-day white water rafting trip down the Colorado River and Cataract Canyon in Moab. The method of getting to and from, itinerary and such was still to be determined but at least we had a destination in mind.

Papa Bear and I have been throughout the South and have visited various areas of the East Coast.  We had not ventured West, except for a quick trip to Las Vegas, a day in Seattle and some occasional business trips to California and Colorado. We knew that we wanted to pivot our discoveries westward and the trip to Moab was just the opportunity we were looking for.

The Trip

Anyone that has spent any time around me knows that I'm a planner. I like my lists, brochures, sticky notes and spreadsheets. I'm not as neurotic as I used to be, and at least remember to plan time for spontaneity and the unexpected. But I do like to know the when, where and why so that we have some place to lay our head.

As you can see from the above, I had the trip pretty well planned out from start to finish. There were definitely changes along the way, and I can't wait to share with you what we did and discovered. Even though it ended up being a lot of miles, it was a great way to disconnect from the "norm" and reconnect through discovery and our mutual love of nature.

I'm definitely putting in a plug for our Moab river outfitters - Western River Expeditions. I did a TON of online research to the various companies and methods for rafting. I can say that Western River was an amazing service provider that made sure we had just enough adventure without forgetting that we were still on vacation. More about their services later though!

Our trip on the Colorado River was set to begin on a Tuesday morning and wrap up on Friday afternoon. We knew there were a few things we wanted to do and see before then and felt the best way to do this was just make it a road trip.

So dear Reader, settle in and prepare for some action, adventure and the unexpected!
